When teeth are lost, sometimes the bone around them can be lost. If this is the case, in some instances, this may need to be built back if dental implants are to be placed. There are many different types of bone augmentation that may be required in various situations. Should you need one of these we will explain to you why and how this is carried out. Not everyone needs this as part of their treatment, in fact most implant treatments will not require a bone graft. However, where there is a lack of bone, all of our surgeons are well-trained for this type of specialised bone augmentation procedure in Singapore.
This is typically carried out at the time of dental implant placement, and you will be unaware of this additional procedure apart from taking a few more minutes of surgery time. We use special materials around the implant where there are small deficiencies in your own bone. This will help to maintain the look of the implant crown where it comes out of the gum. There are various material options to use for this technique, and we have chosen our favored materials following careful research. These are artificial bone substitutes so there is no need for us to use animal products.
The bones that make up your face are hollow and contain air spaces known as sinuses. The sinuses above your upper back teeth are known as the maxillary sinuses. When an upper posterior tooth (eg: a molar) is lost, the floor of the maxillary sinus can ‘drop’ down into the space formerly occupied by the root of the lost tooth. In order to place a dental implant, it is sometimes necessary to put the sinus floor back up to where it originally was by adding a bone substitute. This procedure is called a sinus floor bone augmentation or a ‘sinus lift’.
When a lot of bone has been lost from the front part of the upper jaw, sometimes it is necessary to build this back using a block of bone taken from the patient. This is a rare condition and one for which we usually seek an alternative treatment. If you are concerned about bone augmentation procedure or bone grafts in Singapore, feel free to discuss it with us.